Public Works

The Public Works Department is responsible for a number of essential activities for the Town of Mayodan. This department maintains the public buildings owned by the Town of Mayodan, which includes Town Hall, the Police Department, Fire Department, and other properties owned by the Town. In addition to the public buildings, Public Works maintains the infrastructure that keeps the water and sewer flowing, including the pipes, pump stations, and outfalls.

One of the most visible services provided through Public Works is the pick up of solid waste, recycling, yard debris, and bulk items. The Public Works Department monitors the activities of the contractor who provides the solid waste and recycling pick up, Foothills Waste. The department also handles the pick up of yard debris and bulk items, which helps keep Mayodan looking beautiful.

This department also maintains the streets and sidewalks throughout Town. Whether it is patching a pothole or repaving the whole street, Public Works is making sure Mayodan can walk and drive on well maintained sidewalks and streets.